Wednesday, May 18, 2011

prince william and prince harry official portrait

prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince william official
  • prince william official

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 11, 04:02 PM
    i can only imagine steve jobs hunched over his desk like in 'pirates of silicon valley" and screaming "your stealing from me!!!!" lol.

    Otherwise awesome

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. Prince Harry and Prince
  • Prince Harry and Prince

  • Nevadadrifter
    Apr 22, 04:48 AM
    BRB guys. Going to go re-read the article so I can find the part where it says Apple is taking away everybody's hard drives.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. The one with William and Kate
  • The one with William and Kate

  • jofarmer
    Sep 12, 03:43 PM
    Well Folks, you all seem to be concerned about if your iPod 5G is outdated..
    ever thought about that?
    If I got Steve right, no iPod that was sold prior to this very day will be able to play videos from the iTMS sold from this day on - not if Apple hasn't been lying VERY much about the H.264 decoding capabilities of the "old" iPod 5G.

    I'd love to be corrected, though...You're wrong. Older 5g iPods can play the new tv shows and movies from the iTunes store. Lets not get ridiculous here.

    Ahem. I was told that the iPod 5G can play H.264 with a resolution up to 320x240 and 768 kbps. Now the resolution gets quadrupled, and you suggest that it is ridiculous to assume that this does make a difference?

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. Best man Prince Harry wore a
  • Best man Prince Harry wore a

  • Don Kosak
    Apr 30, 05:16 PM
    :eek: How in the world can you make that statement? My 50gb Blu-Ray discs would disagree with you.

    I have well over 200 Blu-Ray discs. Let's assume that each disc is a single layer (25GB) disc and that they only have one disc in each case, no bonus discs no behind the sceens.... I'd need 5TB of storage to keep the quality as good as it is sitting on the disc.

    You'd be on something hard to think internet infrastructure could handle the digital distribution of all these movies on top of current expanding internet traffic.

    Okay --

    1) Next year you'll be able to buy a 5TB drive for about $200 bucks. (You can get a 2TB drive today for $120 at your local office supply store.) You should start backing up those outdated Blu-ray disks now.

    2) The latest fiber optics tech is out and does more than 100 terabits per second -- or the contents of 250 Double Sided Blu-Ray discs each second. It does it on a SINGLE cable. This isn't tech you buy for your PC, it's tech that the Telco's are putting in to expand broadband coverage.

    Put 1 and 2 together, and Blu-ray is looking like it's heading for "end-of-life" status pretty fast.

    I'm sorry if I offended any Blu-ray fans, but I gotta say, the writing is on the wall.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince harry official portrait
  • prince harry official portrait

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 10, 09:57 PM
    According to the Page 2 Rumors there are some significant speed ups to OpenGL in the next update to 10.4 due to multithreading. Apple has had 4 processor systems for over a year now. I would think they have some ideas about how to make use of it.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but it appears that the improvement was significantly overstated. Macrumors has now updated that thread (

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. For Prince William and Kate
  • For Prince William and Kate

  • milo
    Aug 28, 03:20 PM
    There's no chance apple is releasing MBP's tomorrow. There are too many things pointing towards early/mid-Sept.

    There's no question that apple will not *ship* merom machines tomorrow. But there's nothing stopping them from making the announcement and taking preorders.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince harry official portrait
  • prince harry official portrait

  • AppleScruff1
    Mar 23, 07:23 PM
    If it was a Microsoft app most here would have a different opinion.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. The couple joined Prince Harry
  • The couple joined Prince Harry

  • ten-oak-druid
    May 4, 11:10 AM
    Too bad the mac mini that works with this iMac doesn't exist. Nor does that tower you're speaking of.


    Has nothing to do with my comment.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. william and prince harry
  • william and prince harry

  • JimMacFan
    Mar 23, 09:18 AM
    What are the odds on a 30" display? I'm thinking it's not likely but would buy one if they built it. Probably unlikely since they did away with the 30" monitors already.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince harry official portrait
  • prince harry official portrait

  • vwcruisn
    Mar 23, 05:38 PM
    Stay classy Austin :rolleyes:

    As for the Senator's request, they cannot be required to take it down. If cops are so overt that apps can bust their checkpoints, maybe they should be floating checkpoints?

    It's illegal. Police need to publicly announce check points before setting up. Ironic they would want to pull the app since this is the basis that makes them legal in the first place.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince william and prince
  • prince william and prince

  • nlr
    Apr 30, 04:59 PM
    will we be able to play crysis on bootcamp with the new graphic cards?

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. portrait of Prince William
  • portrait of Prince William

  • Piggie
    Apr 22, 08:14 AM
    This is a good thing in my opinion, better for the environment, and technology is taking us in directions that we not have been able to imagine years ago.

    I pity the children of the future when I think back to how I am my friends used to swap Video's, CD's and Computer games with each other, as we only had enough Birthday/Christmas money to afford to buy so much, so we had great fun and enjoyment swapping what we had between friends.

    In the same way my elderly mother goes to her weekly meeting and they all bring books they have read in, so others can read their books when they have finished with them. Not everyone can afford to buy new every time.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. Prince Harry, Prince William
  • Prince Harry, Prince William

  • BC2009
    Mar 30, 12:18 PM
    Yeah -- makes you wonder why the American Revolution ever happened. We replaced somebody who ruled by birthright with somebody who ruled by the merits of being a better lawyer. I guess you can't win. If only all political leaders could have been like George Washington who hated political parties.

    Yes, military rulers have always been so wonderful in human history. :rolleyes:

    You like the irony? I was trying to be subtle on that one.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. Kate Middleton and Prince
  • Kate Middleton and Prince

  • anim8or
    Aug 31, 12:58 PM
    No way,
    Glossy screen is the worst thing for professionals that depend on color accuracy.
    As for the Isight, I think they will keep off from the Cinema displays. They will make an smaller format stand alone IMHO.
    I don't think a Special Event will happen for these products.

    I totally wholeheartedly agree the glossy screens are not a always an advantage, if they do it as an option for those who want it then cool but not as standard please!

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. Prince William and Prince
  • Prince William and Prince

  • boxandrew
    Sep 4, 10:10 PM
    Is there anyone who has actually received one of these fabled invites? :confused:

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince harry official portrait
  • prince harry official portrait

  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 10:54 AM
    In Europe they are running out of space and they do not want to see all the nasty stuff end up in their eco system. Europe has said if you can not recycle it, you have to take it back.

    Then goes here:

    Anyway, the real problem is the debt-money system that demands ever cheaper throwaway products, evermore cheaplabour, evermore GDP growth regrdless of impact on quality of life, evermore downsizing, evermore sloppy enironmental protections as the globe suffers under continual insolvency.

    We don't have to live in mudhuts, but we DO need to stop throwing away PCs, iPods, mobile phones, etc. as if they're apple cores, no pun intended.

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince william and harry
  • prince william and harry

  • Young Spade
    Apr 24, 07:57 PM
    I just hope they manage to keep it as cool and quiet as our current mba 11" (1,6 Ghz C2D)... I prefer quiet computing over ultraspeed in a mba, for shure!

    "Shure" Great company aren't they? Had the 535s for a while and loved them. (I'm assuming you know about high end audio? Lol)

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. prince harry official portrait
  • prince harry official portrait

  • nemaslov
    Sep 12, 02:39 PM
    I've waited a year and a half or more for a larger iPod. My mac has almost 70GB of music and I hate manually changing out songs. I never went to the video 5G since the only difference was video with no larger drive... music only for me. If I was to upload album art for all of my imported music 17 thousand plus songs does that take up alot of storage room? Anyone know how much art adds to storage??:p

    prince william and prince harry official portrait. Prince William v Prince Harry
  • Prince William v Prince Harry

  • 3N16MA
    Apr 25, 12:59 PM
    Liquid metal? Carbon fiber? No SuperDrive option? Yes that is a lot of question marks.

    Doctor Q
    Sep 15, 06:28 PM
    By those specs won't sound as impressive.

    Mar 30, 12:02 PM


    I think this is enough to show that Microsoft is unequivocally correct. The term has been in use for much longer than Apple's launching of the store and it has been ubiquitous in the computer industry for a long time.

    The way to distinguish (if it needs to be done) between app stores is by saying the name of the app store before hand, ie the Apple App Store, the Amazon App Store, or the Microsoft App Store.

    This argument has nothing to do with the term "app" but with the legally given trademark "app store".

    The term app store was never used before the release and subsequent trademark approval of apples app store so anybody arguing that the term is generic are just being silly. The whole concept of a trademark is to protect a companies name, slogan etc from becoming a generic term and to prevent that they have to defend against it.

    Mar 22, 02:24 PM
    I wanted to get a 15" MBP, but more and more they look like bags of hurt :(

    Maybe imac is the way to go

    Jul 19, 10:50 AM
    Hmmm, it's a tough one. But I think the price vs. performance of Conroe being so much better than Merom will mean that Apple will try their best to cram one into the iMac. It would mean a more powerful computer that's cheaper for Apple to produce, and it is a desktop after all.

    But you are right that the thermals of Conroe could be a problem. I'm not sure how much of a difference speed-step will make. Although it is the most power-efficient desktop chip out there, it consumes less power under load than Pentium D's at idle:

    And it runs much cooler than the chips in the Macbook and Macbook Pro in normal computer cases:

    25 degrees celcius with speedstep...

    And 45 degrees at max clockspeed. And that's the 75W Conroe, the 65W one should be slightly cooler. Now I know this isn't in the iMac case, but if the chips run that cool in desktops then hopefully they shouldn't run too much hotter in an iMac...Then all we're looking at is cranking up the current 180 watt power supply. I remember my iMac G5 2.0 GHz hitting 75-76º C at 100% load. The Rev. C iMac G5 was whisper quiet compared to my machine using the same 970FX chip. If Conroe doesn't break 45° C then it's not a thermal nightmare to put into the iMac. It's just a pain to power.

    Aug 28, 09:53 PM
    This was one of the things I was afraid would happen with the Intel switch--a new processor every eight minutes. At least with the PPCs, there were predictable, manageable gaps between bumps.

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