Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ANDY The Crystal Bra


Finally!After almost 2 weeks my crystal bra arrived!And I am so happy, it's just gorgeous.Unfortunately there wasn't any special occasion to wear it but, I wore it for some photos.These eleven days my boyfriend was in town so I didn't have much time to get busy with my blog, but we took lot of photos that I'll upload the next days,since we're leaving,I am going to my hometown to see my parents for about five days and my boy for his island since he has to study,so I'll have plenty of time.Luckily we'll see each other again after twenty days :D 
So, here are the photos of the crystal bra that my boyfriend took, not to forget to mention that it was also seen on Andy from  stylescrapbook and on Hanneli Mustaparta from  hanneli.

Andy Torres
 Hanneli Mustaparta

I also took part on Hypeed contest today.You can vote me here :)

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